JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo gave an important message to all parties ahead of the 2024 General Election. In the political contestation, Sigit admitted that he did not want polarization to occur like the 2019 election.

He said this during the Red and White Order event which was attended by Habib Luthfi Bin Yahya and opened by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The opening takes place in front of the Merdeka Palace, Central Jakarta.

"In 2024, we want the national leaders to bring enthusiasm to be able to build, will be willing to realize, show their programs to be able to prosper the community," said Sigit, Sunday, August 28.

"And of course the most important thing is not to use politics which can lead to polarization of the nation," he continued.

Sigit reviewed that in 2019, Indonesia experienced polarization and identity politics due to hoax news and hate speech related to the election. The situation of the party who justify any means to win makes people divided.

Not wanting this to happen again, Sigit emphasized that community unity and integrity, even though they have different political choices, must be maintained.

"Therefore, we certainly want to encourage anyone who deserves to lead the nation in the future, but the condition is that he must be able to maintain unity and integrity," he said.

On that occasion, Sigit also stated that by 2030 Indonesia would enter a demographic bonus period. In a sense, the number of groups of people at productive age will be more than non-productive.

"Therefore, we must prepare our society, our youth to become superior human resources. So that in 2030 we hope that our nation can jump forward to become a modern country. That is our hope," he said.

However, he continued, if this demographic bonus is passed in the wrong ways, it will worsen the condition of Indonesia. So, what must be considered is how to maintain unity and integrity.

"Together, hand in hand, shake hands, close ranks, together we fight against the competition we are doing to bring Indonesia to a forward position, to be in a better position than other countries," he concluded.

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