JAKARTA - The airport in the IKN will not have an airport code from The International Air Transport Association (IATA) like other airports around the world.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Air Transportation, Sigit Hani Hadiyanto said that the status of the IKN airport is VVIP. Therefore, the airport does not have a code like other airports.

"The code is not yet, but as stated, there has been a directive called Nusantara Airport, if the code from IATA is the concern, this is a special airport, not a commercial one. So maybe it is not directly related to IATA," he said at the 'Indonesia Aero Summit 2024' agenda at the Redtop Hotel, Pecenongan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.

On the other hand, Sigit also admitted that he did not know whether the VVIP Airport in the IKN would be directed to become commercial.

However, he emphasized that according to the Presidential Regulation, the Airport in the IKN still has VVIP status.

"I don't know yet (if there is a commercial plan), what is clear is that according to the Presidential Regulation related to the airport, the airport's current status is VVIP," he explained.

Regarding the progress of the construction of the IKN airport terminal, Sigit explained that it had reached 50 percent.

"I have to check again, but if I'm not mistaken, it is currently moving at 40 to 50 percent," he explained.

Furthermore, Sigit added, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi always visits to check the readiness of the airport while there is an opportunity.

"Still continuing to progress, Mr. Minister of Transportation at every opportunity even moves there, so indeed we continue to strive according to the target to be functional on August 1 to support August 17," he said.

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