SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi asked 1,298 Wani Jogo Tangguh Village Task Force at the RW and 1,361 Task Force at the RT level throughout Surabaya, to participate in alleviating poverty and collaborating with RT/RW, lurah, and local sub-district heads.

Eri also asked the Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo), the Social Service (Dinsos), and the Surabaya Industry and Manpower Office (Disnaker) to also be involved in collaborating so that they can eradicate Low-Income Communities (MBR) in Surabaya.

"So, later on, the RT/RW will be able to enter data through the Diskominfo application, regarding the requirements of the residents of the MBR category. So that our budget can be right on target," he said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 28.

Eri asked the Wani Jogo Tangguh Village Task Force to conduct elections for residents affected by COVID-19, who lost their jobs. This is because these residents are not included in the MBR category.

"If he still has a house or assets, he does not enter MBR. However, I am sure that with the Tangguh Village Task Force, the data collection will be more appropriate to provide benefits to the people of Surabaya," he said.

Because, according to him, all assets belonging to the Surabaya City Government have been carried out in a Padat Karya manner, namely all the budgets used by the Surabaya City Government are used by local MSMEs.

"In 2023, in accordance with Presidential Regulation, 40 percent of the budget for Surabaya City Government goods or Ministries must be carried out by MSMEs," he said.

With the spirit of the Tangguh Village Task Force, Eri believes that they can participate in preventing the transmission of COVID-19, so that the economy in the city of Surabaya can continue to run.

"The spirit of fighting COVID-19 can be transmitted to fight poverty. COVID-19 can be overcome, so poverty can also be overcome," he said.

Acting (Plt) Head of the Surabaya City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Ridwan Mubarun previously invited the active participation of the Tangguh Village Task Force, Wani Jogo Suroboyo, in other social activities in his environment.

For this reason, he continued, his party had held an Call for the Tangguh Wani Jogo Suroboyo Task Force at the Gelora Field on November 10, Surabaya City on Saturday, August 27. This activity is to strengthen and maintain the COVID-19 pandemic situation in Surabaya so that it remains under control.

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