LABUAN BAJO - People in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, and East Nusa Tenggara, are expected to immediately evacuate after receiving an early warning if a tsunami occurs one day. This is because the tsunami arrival time in Labuan Bajo is relatively short.

"When the tsunami wave arrived in Labuan Bajo, the average was seven minutes, except for islands outside the city of Labuan Bajo when they arrived between three and five minutes," said Kupang Head of Geophysics Station Margiono, as reported by Antara, Saturday, August 27.

Currently, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Kupang Geophysics Station continues to strengthen the earthquake and tsunami mitigation system by optimizing the sirens in Labuan Bajo. The sound of the tsunami siren aims to alert the danger of a tsunami that will go to the Labuan Bajo area.

"With the sound of this siren, people can immediately evacuate to a higher or safer place," said Margiono.

The Tsunami Sirene at the Domestic Ability Level (TKDN) in Labuan Bajo was built in 2021 and activated and activated on December 26, 2021. The tsunami siren will function when the BMKG issues a tsunami early warning in the Labuan Bajo area.

Later the early warning will be received by the Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) of the West Manggarai Regency BPBD. According to operational standards, officers at the Pusdalops will immediately press the tsunami siren button.

After the siren button is pressed by officers, with a radio wave system, the siren wave will be sent to the tsunami siren tower in Puncak Waringin. The tsunami siren will sound at that time.

"With the sound of this siren, the people of Labuan Bajo can immediately evacuate," he explained.

Margiono said the tsunami siren was one of the means to give a tsunami early warning quickly. The tsunami siren is one of the tools in the tsunami mitigation system in West Manggarai.

The public is asked to understand the purpose and purpose of building a tsunami siren tower. In addition, the public must also understand the sound of tsunami sirens.

In addition to tsunami sirens, there are also facilities for spreading information on early warning of earthquakes and other tsunamis, namely through SMS, BMKG's official social media, Whatsapp groups, as well as radio and television.

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