JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission III Herman Hery emphasized that the formation of the working committee (panja) aims to supervise and support the steps of the attorney general's team in investigating the Jiwasraya case.

Herman explained that it did not stop at the detention of several key suspects. However, he said, it must be examined more deeply. This is because it is impossible for corruption cases that amount to up to Rp. 13.7 trillion to be carried out alone.

"They do not stand alone, there must be someone behind them. We suspect that to collect tens of trillions of money, they will use money too. It is impossible to use saliva to save trillions of money. That is what I think is an entrepreneur background. It must be money fishing," he said. Herman, when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, January 23.

In addition, Herman admitted, in a meeting at the Panja, his party would investigate the possibility of an intellectual actor behind the Jiwasraya case that caused state losses of up to Rp. 13.7 trillion.

"I want to know later in the panja, who are the intellectual actors behind this besides these people, if there really are. We cannot say that we are suspicious, (but) suspect that it is okay," he said.

However, Herman emphasized that the Jiwasraya Panja, which was formed by the commission, would not interfere with the work of the Attorney General's Office in investigating the PT Asuransi Jiwasraya policy default case.

"Panja's function later does not mean intervening in investigative work. This investigative work has many things, there is intelligence work, there is professional investigation work. Of course, things that are intelligence and secret can not be intervened by Panja and disclosed to the media," he said.

As is known, Commission III has officially formed a law enforcement supervisory committee related to suspected corruption at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero). The formation of the working committee is decided after the DPR Commission III Working Meeting with the Attorney General's Office.

However, until now the names of the Jiwasraya Committee III members have not been determined. There are three working groups related to Jiwasraya in the DPR, namely Commission III which has a scope of duties in the legal field to form the Jiwasraya Law Enforcement Supervisory Committee, Commission VI related to BUMN, what is explored is the performance of the Jiwasraya corporation. Meanwhile, the Committee of the Commission XI functions to supervise the performance of supervision of the financial services industry.

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