JAKARTA - The public can finally see what the latest look of the killer of Brigadier J, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. The former Head of the Propam Division was brought before the trial of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP).

Viewed from Police TV, Thursday, August 25, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo entered the courtroom in his official official attire. Two stars are still visible on his shoulder.

When he entered, he was flanked by two members of the National Police Propam. It was interesting when Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was the number one person in the police force.

After that, the hat worn by Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was removed. Then he sat on the chair.

Ferdy Sambo's face still looks bright.

For your information, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo has submitted a letter of resignation from his status as a member of the National Police. The National Police Headquarters has confirmed that the letter does not have any implications with the commencement of the Code of Ethics Commission hearing.

Inspector General Ferdy Sambo himself has been present in the KKEP courtroom at the Transnational Crime Center (TNCC) Building, Police Headquarters, South Jakarta since 07.30 WIB.

Later the trial will present various witnesses ranging from two Brigadier Generals and two Kombes.

The presence of these witnesses aims to explore the role of Ferdy Sambo in the case of Brigadier J's murder. Thus, legal construction will be formed and can be taken into account in making decisions or verdicts.

The ethics committee assembly will decide on the sanctions today. This means that Sambo's future as a member of the National Police will be determined today.

For information, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo is a suspect in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J.

Then there are four other suspects, namely, Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, Strong Maruf, and Putri Candrawati, wife of Ferdy Sambo as suspects.

They were charged with Article 340 subsidiary Article 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.

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