SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) continues to strive to maintain price stability for basic necessities in traditional markets. One of them is by monitoring the availability of basic needs to prevent steps or price spikes in the city of Surabaya.

Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi said he would immediately conduct market operations to anticipate this. Because there is an increase in the price of chicken eggs in a number of regions in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, in the city of Surabaya, the price of chicken eggs, which was originally Rp. 26,000 per kilogram, has now reached Rp. 30,000 per kilogram.

"This seems to be the highest (increase) but I have asked the Head of the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives and Trade (Dinkopdag) to check. So we will hold Market Operations as usual," said Eri Cahyadi in Surabaya, Wednesday, August 24.

The market operation was held to find the cause of the spike in the price of eggs and other basic commodities.

"So that there will be no price increases or heights. We are looking for the cause and indications, why did it suddenly rise like this," he said.

Therefore, the Surabaya City Department of Trade and Cooperatives is currently preparing Market Operations in every kelurahan in the City of Heroes.

"God willing, we will see today, because of what problem? So we will immediately hold a Market Operation," he said.

Eri Cahyadii's connection price checking is also carried out through Market Operations. In order to anticipate the surge in staple goods in the city of Surabaya.

"This is what we have to anticipate first. So I asked for a check, so that if the others haven't had time to go up, we've done Market Operations," he said.

The Market Operations will be held alternately in the kelurahan. This is to prevent the buying of basic goods by local residents.

"So that it can be right on target, so that it is not bought up. We move it in every kelurahan. Because if the eggs are mundak (up), the others also go up," said Eri Cahyadi.

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