JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab decided not to hold any activities that had an impact on mass buildup for a while. Rizieq Shihab is committed to inviting people to maintain a healthy lifestyle in society.

"That IB HRS currently chooses to rest, pause for a moment. Because in addition to being quite tired due to long journeys and direct activities with a high level of density and after seeing the enthusiasm of the people from November 10 on arrival to November 14 at the Prophet's Birthday in Petamburan, the people were so enthusiastic about every activity attended by HRS which had an impact on mass accumulation. , "Said the press release of FPI which was forwarded by Secretary of FPI Legal Aid Aziz Yanuar, Thursday, November 19.

In a press release signed by the Head of FPI, Ahmad Shabri Lubis, Rizieq Shihab emphasized that he is committed to inviting people to create a healthy lifestyle in society.

"So for the time being HRS chose not to carry out activities that would have an impact on mass accumulation until the situation returned to normal," continued Shabri Lubis.

In addition, FPI conveyed to elements of society who had submitted an invitation to Rizieq Shihab, they were asked to understand because Rizieq Shihab could not attend the invitation to the event.

"We apologize profusely, because HRS is currently unable to fulfill the invitation, until later HRS decides to resume normal activities," said Shabri Lubis.

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