JAKARTA - Although as a high-ranking state official and Chief of Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, for Dr. Moeldoko traveling by economy class plane was fine. Maybe there are those who think that the former TNI Commander is reasonable to travel in business class. But what he did was choose a seat that many ordinary people used.

As observed some time ago, he was sitting in one of the economy class seats. At that time he was engrossed in reading messages on his smartphone and tidying up some pending work.

He uploaded this moment on the social media page @dr_moeldoko. He wrote on the side of the photo: "Spending time on the plane during a work visit is often a luxury in itself. Not infrequently important decisions can be made when the cellphone is in flight mode, so that it is momentarily free from the hustle and bustle of calls and short messages," he wrote.

Moeldoko kerapkali terlibat pembciaraan dengan Presiden Jokowi membahas suatu persoalan. (Dok KSP)
Moeldoko is often involved in conversations with President Jokowi to discuss a problem. (KSP Doc)

"Although there is only one or two hours, this is an opportunity to read documents, reports, and proposals that have been downloaded previously. That luxury will soon end, when the crew announces the plane will be landing soon. And it is common, when leaving the airport and cell phones back in active mode, a barrage of hundreds of messages and pending calls must be served immediately," he continued.

This post received likes and comments from netizens. The account owner @henryyosodiningrat expressed his admiration. "May you always be healthy General. I am always amazed and proud 🙏🏻," he wrote his comment.

Saat berada di dalam pesawat Moeldoko meyempatkan mengecek pekerjaan. (Instagram @dr_moeldoko)
While on the plane, Moeldoko took the time to check his work. (Instagram @dr_moeldoko)

"Keep the spirit of serving the community, sir. We wish you good health. Amen," said the account owner @boedyhartono commented after watching this photo.

In terms of transportation, Moeldoko actually prioritizes the function of a means of transportation. The matter of convenience for him is that number. That's why even though he could choose a seat in a more comfortable class, he didn't do it. The choice is in the economy class seats which are mostly used by the common people.

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