JAKARTA - The Jakarta DPRD PSI faction plans to propose the right of interpellation to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan due to the neglect of the crowd at the Prophet's birthday event held by FPI leader Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

As the party authorized to approve the right of interpellation, DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi said this was the attitude of council members in responding to executive policy. The right of interpellation is intended to ask governors for information regarding strategic policies that have a broad impact on people's lives.

"If this interpellation is the reaction of friends in the DKI Jakarta DPRD in seeing a problem. There is a mechanism," Prasetio told reporters, Thursday, November 19.

Even so, there is a mechanism that must be passed to approve the terms of interpellation rights, one of which is 15 members of the board who submitted. Therefore, Prasetio is still waiting for up to 15 councilors to propose.

"There must be at least 15 members who propose more than one faction. I don't know who will propose it," said Prasetio.

In the DKI Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Rules of Procedure for the DKI DPRD, the right of interpellation is proposed to the DPRD leadership. Requirements for submitting this right are proposed by at least 15 DPRD members and more than one faction.

The form of the right of interpellation is a plenary meeting with the agenda of the proposer being given the opportunity to give an oral explanation. Then the other DPRD members gave their viewpoints. Furthermore, the governor gave an explanation of the issues raised.

PSI Lobby Not Welcomed

Member of the PSI faction, Anggara Wacitra Sastroamidjojo, said that his party had communicated with other party factions regarding the interpellation rights which they would roll out. Because, with only 9 members of the faction, PSI could not submit an interpellation alone.

However, Anggara did not mention which party factions were spoken to regarding the use of this interpellation right. He only asked the public to be patient first until further notice.

"We communicated with several factions. Many felt that the DKI Pemprov had been neglected," Anggara said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, November 17.

Unfortunately, this proposal was met with a cold response. The PDIP faction, for example, said that it had not thought about this.

The chairman of the PDIP DPRD DKI Faction, Gembong Warsono, admitted that his party still wants to focus on discussing the planning of the DKI regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) for the 2021 budget year.

"PDIP has not discussed the matter. We are still focused on discussing the 2021 APBD. So, we have not yet reached that stage," said Gembong when contacted, Tuesday, November 17.

Meanwhile the NasDem Party faction refused to follow the steps of the PSI faction. The chairman of the NasDem Party faction at the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wibi Andrino, views that the DPRD does not need to propose the right of interpellation by asking Anies for an explanation regarding not dispersing the crowd of Rizieq's followers.

"We have no plans for interpellation. We see that we see that the Governor has carried out what he wrote in the Pergub, has appealed to him, has imposed a fine. So, what else?" said Wibi.

According to Wibi, the subject of violating the health protocol in this case was Rizieq Shihab. Anies, said Wibi, had a regional apparatus tasked with monitoring and taking action in the field. "Why do we take care of Mr. Anies?" his smallpox.

Likewise with the Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Misan Samsuri. Misan admitted that the DPRD leadership had not yet accepted the proposed interpellation rights from PSI. Therefore, the DPRD leadership has not been able to comment.

However, Misan gave an opinion from his faction, namely the Democratic Party. In line with the others, Misan said that PSI did not need to propose the right of interpellation.

"In my opinion, there is no need for that interpretation. The answer is clear. The local government has already done its job by sending a warning letter and sanctioning Habib Rizieq Shihab. The DPRD will focus on discussing the 2021 budget for now," explained Misan.

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