JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has ordered his entire staff to eradicate online gambling. Including, the parties who back or protect.

"Ordering the ranks at the National Police Headquarters level to the Regional Police to eradicate the perpetrators of gambling activities. Both conventional and online gambling are targeted not only by players and dealers but also those who are backing behind them," wrote the Instagram account @divisihumaspolri, Thursday, 18 August.

The order to eradicate online gambling is said to be contained in a secret telegram (STR) issued by the Indonesian National Police's Criminal Investigation Department, Komjen Agus Andrianto.

Then, the four-star general also ordered his staff to block these online gambling sites. Thus, Indonesia is free from gambling crimes.

"The order of the Chief of Police to be followed up by the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto issued a Telegram letter to the ranks of the Regional Police to immediately take action against all those involved in gambling," he wrote.

Confirmed regarding the order of the Chief of Police, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo agreed. It is said that the ranks of the National Police, both at the Bareskrim and Polda levels, have followed up.

"Yes, there is. The Regional Police has immediately followed up on the attention of the National Police Chief," said Dedi.

On the previous occasion, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police dismantled an online gambling syndicate. This syndicate manages eight types of games and five gambling websites.

The suspects had the initials MA, SF, KV, R, KN, MO, SAR, and FFD. They were arrested at the Pluit CBD Apartments on Saturday, August 13. They manage online gambling by acting as customer service and marketing.

"The five websites that are managed include KingKoi88, Winlab88, Goldmain, Bsbox, and Senarbet," said Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Directorate of Cybercrime, Bareskrim Polri Kombes Reindhard Hutagaol.

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