JAKARTA - Rahmat Santoso, when testifying at the trial, said that Rezky Herbianto, the son-in-law of former Supreme Court Secretary Nurhadi, has a luxurious lifestyle. The witness also said that Nurhadi's son-in-law sold fictitious housing.

"As far as I know Rezky's male parents have died. Before marriage, he already had a Ferrari, he bought a Ferrari, there was Mercy, or was it just that I didn't really follow, there were only a few friends who said he rented (a Ferrari)," he said. witness Rahmat Santoso at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) was quoted by Antara

Rahmat is Nurhadi's brother-in-law and the younger brother of Nurhadi's wife, Tin Zuraida.

Rahmat became a witness for two defendants, namely former MA Secretary Nurhadi and his son-in-law Rezky Herbiyanto who were accused of accepting bribes totaling Rp45,726 billion from the Managing Director of PT Multicon Indrajaya Terminal (MIT) 2014-2016 Hiendra Soenjoto and gratuities of Rp37,287 billion from a number of parties. in the period 2014-2017.

Rezky is known to be married to Rizki Aulia Rahmi, the son of Nurhadi and Tin Zuraida.

"I read your statement in BAP No. 24, you explained that during college Lia (Aulia) lived with my mother who was hired by Tin Zuraida, and my mother wanted to stay there because Nurhadi and Tin asked her to accompany Lia who was studying at Unair," he said.

Rezky's Lamborghini and Ferrari vehicles were parked at Regency 21's house in Surabaya.

"When my mother asked Nurhadi why Rezky owned the vehicle, even though his job was unclear and the origin of the purchase was unclear, Nurhadi defended Rezky, saying 'Rezky is a successful entrepreneur and owns a housing business in Bali with the name The Cliff which has recently been fictional' right? " asked the KPK prosecutor, Wawan Yunarwanto.

"Yes, later when I found out I asked my former subordinate who helped Nurhadi, namely Waskito, 'That's The Cliff, what's the story?' the answer was 'No oom.' I also never checked the housing and was only given a brochure worth several billion, "said Rahmat.

Rahmat also learned that Rezky opened a car showroom in Surabaya and has an office on Jalan Bawean Surabaya. In fact, Rahmat considered Rezky unable to work properly.

"Bu Tin once asked to teach Rezky to work at my outsourcing security company, but it turned out that it was not as expected because there were lots of bad bills," said Rahmat.

As a result of Rezky's actions, many security guards did not receive 2-3 months' salary due to Rezky's late collection of payments to the security personnel hiring company.

"Finally, Rezky opened his own office on Jalan Bawean. Initially he said the office was bought, but it was later discovered that the house was rented after a mother complained to me because the rent had not been paid for how many months," said Rahmat.

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