JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police have opened the opportunity to summon and examine the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, regarding the alleged violation of the health protocol by Rizieq Shihab in Megamendung, Bogor.

This was followed by the West Java Regional Police who were investigating the alleged violation of health protocols during Rizieq Shihab's first stone-leveling activity in Megamendung.

"It is possible to invite the West Java governor," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Wednesday, November 18.

However, for now the investigating team will only examine 10 people. The plan for this examination will take place Friday, November 20.

Some of the witnesses to be questioned include the Head of Sukagalih Village, the Chairman of the RW, the Head of the RT, the Head of the Megamendung Sub-District, the Head of the Bogor PP Police, the Head of Kuta Village, the Bogor Regent, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) Bogor, a member of the Babinkamtibmas, and Habib Muchsin Alatas who is the committee of the event.

"(Clarifying) for West Java, the regulations used are the regulations of the Regent or Mayor there," he said.

Later, after completing a series of examinations the investigating team will determine the status of the case. If a criminal element is found, it will be increased to investigation.

"But still investigators from Bareskrim, Polda Jabar and Polres Bogor still after we clarify we will get results related to the alleged health protocol in the Bogor area," he said.

For your information, the alleged violation of the health protocol occurred when Rizieq Shihab attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the pesantren. His arrival attracted the attention of the public, but many did not apply health protocols by not wearing masks.

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