SURABAYA - The Tanjung Perak Surabaya Police has named the President Director (Director) of PT Meratus Line (PT ML), Slamet Raharjo (SR), as a suspect in the case of holding an employee. The victim's initials were ES, an employee who worked at the SR company.

"Yes, it's true, we, SR, have been named a suspect in the case of holding (employees)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanjung Perak Port Police, AKP Arief Ryzki Wicaksana, Monday, August 15.

Since the case was reported, Arief continued, his party has carried out an investigation and investigation process as well as summoning witnesses. There are 12 witnesses and criminal experts who have been questioned regarding the case. "Well, after meeting the two pieces of evidence, we will carry out a title until the suspect is determined," he said.

Confirmed separately, MM's attorney, ES's wife, Eko Budiono, said that ES was not only being held captive. ES was also extorted by SR for Rp570 million, and several land certificates.

"But when MM (his wife ES) handed it over, her husband was not released," said Eko.

Eko explained that the case began when ES was accused of committing an act that was deemed detrimental to his place of work, namely PT ML on Jalan Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. For some reason, it was ES's parents who were summoned to appear before the company.

Not wanting anything to happen to his parents, ES then went to the company management. However, in his office, he was not allowed to go home on the grounds that he had to pay a certain amount of compensation that had been determined by the company.

The arrival of ES to this office apparently at the same time made him unable to go home. Because, in the office he claimed to be closely guarded and not allowed to go outside.

Knowing this, MM (ES's wife) panicked. Moreover, when contacted by her husband, she was asked to bring a savings account of Rp. 570 million, and a number of land certificates to take to the office where she is located.

Arriving at the office, MM was asked to sign a number of letters which she did not dare to refuse, citing her husband's safety. After submitting what the company asked for, the husband was never released.

Finally, the victim decided to report the alleged case to the police. Now, the case has been handled by the Surabaya Tanjung Perak Police.

The police have also appointed SR as the President Director of PT. ML as a suspect in the case.

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