MEDAN - Candidate for Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution asked Medan residents to continue providing support in the Medan Regional Head Election for Akhyar-Salman Alfarisi (AMAN). Citizens are asked not to be tempted by money politics that have emerged.

"Like the name of the street, I am sure that the residents of Jalan Istiqomah will continue to support Akhyar-Salman. Although there are many temptations, not only rice but also money, ”said Akhyar Nasution when meeting residents, quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, November 18.

This candidate for mayor number 1 in the Medan Pilkada emphasized that his party would not conduct money politics. Akhyar-Salman is determined to build Medan City, therefore it needs strong support from Medan residents in the upcoming December 9 voting.

“Why didn't Salman do that? Because Akhyar - Salman has no money. Come on, we build with Medan City. Akhyar-Salman was determined, promised to serve in Medan City. I am sure of your mother's determination. We make repentance by distributing money, Medan residents have dignity. We make repentance by doing money politics, "said Akhyar Nasution.

When meeting residents of Medan, Akhyar talked about medical programs including the equipment for shrouds for marginalized residents.

One of the Akhyar - Salman programs is to provide fardhu kifayah equipment, because we are aware that not all residents join STM. Later we will prepare the following ambulance, "he explained.

Not only that, to ensure that Medan residents have enough food, Akhyar and Salman will provide rice ATM machines to all houses of worship in Medan.

"The rice will come from residents who want to give alms. This is a guarantee, so that none of our citizens will not starve. This is our goal, God willing, this will be very helpful, who has excess sustenance, alms like this can be done," said Akhyar.

In the Akhyar campaign, the artist Akhyar-Salman (Safari), the musician of Medan City, held entertainment and distributed masks to residents on Jalan Istiqomah Medan Helvetia.

"This is a political lesson for me, and what can be given to my friends, so I say take the rice, on the 9th vote number 1," said Medan Helvetia community leader, Asnan.

To Akhyar, Asnan hopes that later if he is elected he can become a leader who still pays attention to people who are often marginalized.

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