JAKARTA - The secretary for legal aid from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) DPP, Aziz Yanuar, said that his party would comply with the process until the legal decision regarding the alleged violation of health protocol at the Prophet's birthday and marriage in Petamburan.

However, Aziz also asked the police to be fair in investigating the crowds that also occurred in various regions. The case he highlighted was the crowd of supporters of the candidate for Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming, when he registered his candidacy on 4 September.

"We obey the law and we don't ask for privilege. But, we ask for justice. We also ask for processing (the crowd) beforehand, including the delivery of Gibran as a candidate for Mayor of Solo who did not keep his distance," said Aziz at Polda Metro Jaya, Central Jakarta. , Wednesday, November 18th.

In addition, Aziz also highlighted the longmarch and the raising of the Red and White flag which was attended by thousands of members of the Multipurpose Ansor Barisan (Banser) in Banyumas, Central Java on Sunday, November 15.

"Then in November in Banyumas, we also found the Banser holding a parade, a long march. Habib Rizieq asked for justice as fairly as possible regarding cases of similar cases. When the elements of justice are met, Habib Rizieq must obey the law," said Aziz.

"Does the law only apply to Habib Rizieq? Right not. This law applies to all. We ask that it be enforced, including to the authorities. That's what we are asking for," he continued.

DKI Governor Anies Baswedan has also revealed a comparison of legal action between the Rizieq crowd and other cases. This is in response to the assumption that he calls himself insecure about violations of the mass health protocol of FPI leaders because they do not take crowd prevention.

When mentioned about this, Anies spoke about the simultaneous regional elections 2020. According to Anies, the DKI Provincial Government is still more proactive in reminding the importance of health protocols compared to the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada.

"You see that regional elections all over Indonesia are taking place, are there any (official) letters reminding the organizers of the importance of adhering to health protocols?" said Anies.

Anies then talked about the prosecution that was carried out by imposing a sanction of Rp. 50 million from the Prophet Muhammad's birthday and the wedding ceremony that was held by Rizieq was right.

"When there is a violation of the health protocol, the violation is dealt with as soon as possible. In less than 24 hours, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government enforces the rules. This means that those who violate must be dealt with," explained Anies.

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