JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that the DKI Provincial Government will evaluate the condition of the official houses of the sub-district head to the lurah which are now warehouses for used goods in Central Jakarta.

According to Riza, the government has budgeted for the official housing facility that was built for a long time to be occupied by its staff.

"In the future, an evaluation will be carried out. We will function the official house according to its designation. Because the designation of the lurah's official house is not for storing used goods," Riza said in Central Jakarta, Monday, August 15.

Riza said that the inventory belonging to the DKI Provincial Government should be taken care of by each responsible party. So, he emphasized that it was inappropriate if the official house was instead converted into a place for used goods.

"The existing inventory belongs to the kelurahan, it's the kelurahan's job. If it belongs to the provincial government, it's the provincial government's job. It must be maintained and cared for to ensure it is in good condition. It must be recorded, it cannot be lost. That's why the empty official house is used," he explained.

However, Riza has not decided on the action until the sanctions that will be imposed by the DKI Provincial Government for the abandonment of the official house.

"Later we will see the extent of its use, its basis, utilization, and so on," he said.

For information, a number of official houses (rudin) in the sub-districts and sub-districts in Central Jakarta have been converted into warehouses for used goods and bird cages.

From observations at the location, one of the special sub-district offices in the Cempaka Putih area looks unkempt and has become a used goods warehouse.

According to a source who declined to give his name, the official houses of the Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Barat, Johar Baru and Tanah Tinggi were never occupied by the lurah.

"It's not the lurah who occupies the rudin, I know why the difference between a lurah or not can be seen from the uniform. We don't know who occupies the rudin because we never greet the residents," he told reporters.

Based on information, a number of official houses that are not functioning properly are located in the Kelurahan Kramat, West Cempaka Putih, Tanah Tinggi, Johar Baru and Kebon Melati.

The Head of Cempaka Putih Sub-district, Fauzi, commented on the official house which was used as a warehouse for used goods. Fauzi explained that he had not occupied the official residence because it was in a damaged condition. He said, currently also being proposed for renovation.

"When I entered the Cempaka Putih sub-district, the condition was already damaged. So, I didn't occupy it," said Fauzi when confirmed, Friday, August 12.

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