JAKARTA - The Jakarta Legislative Council's Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction considers the summoning of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan by Polda Metro Jaya to clarify the matter of crowds in Petamburan, Central Jakarta, as normal.

"It is normal to call for coordination and clarification," said the PKS DPRD DKI Faction Advisor, Abdurrahman Suhaimi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 17.

According to Suhaimi, Anies, who was summoned to be clarified about the alleged violation of the health protocol in the crowd of the Prophet's birthday and the wedding reception of the daughter of FPI leader Rizieq Shihab, has carried out his rules and duties.

Suhaimi emphasized that Anies as the regional head gave administrative fines to Rizieq of Rp. 50 million.

"The governor has done what must be carried out as a regional government, one of which is enforcing fines," he said.

The deputy chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD also requested that the police be fair and proportional in handling cases of crowds like this.

"This must also be done in all parts of Indonesia, not only in DKI and Pak Anies," said Suhaimi.

According to Suhaimi, other regional heads where crowds also occur in the same area must be applied as one of them, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil.

"So the police must be fair and proportional," he added.

Previously reported, Polda Metro Jaya revealed the reasons behind the examination of witnesses who came from elements of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. The investigation team will confirm the status of DKI Jakarta during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"One is to be able to explain the current status of DKI. If the status of DKI is currently in a PSBB state, then there are other provisions. Another provision is in the form of austerity," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Tubagus Ade Hidayat to reporters, Tuesday, 17 November.

This means that investigators will dig up information regarding the definition of quarantine in large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). The DKI Provincial Government is currently implementing a transitional PSBB policy.

Tubagus said that the definition of quarantine in the PSBB policy has various types. Therefore this must be ensured as a legal basis in the investigation process.

"The quarantine takes various forms, there is a house quarantine, there is a hospital quarantine, there is an area where there is a PSBB," he said.

"The question is to government officials. What are the provisions? Is there anything that is not violated from the event? If there is, it means that there has been a crime," he continued.

If a violation is found from the examination, continued Tubagus, the investigator will decide to increase the status of the pekara to investigation.

"If there is a crime then a case title will be carried out to determine whether or not a crime is present, then it will be raised to the investigation process," he said.

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