JAKARTA - Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, and Malaysian Right Minister of Defense, Dato Seri Hishamuddin Bin Tun Hussein, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of defense cooperation.

The signing of this MoU was carried out at the 42nd Session of the Malaysia-Indonesia General Border Committee (GBC Malindo), in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Tuesday, August 9.

Prabowo emphasized that the Indonesian government welcomes all efforts to further strengthen Indonesia's relations with Malaysia, as well as closer cooperation in all fields.

“Not only do I welcome, but I also recommend and I will strive to strengthen relations with Malaysia. Malaysia and Indonesia have a special relationship", Prabowo said in a written statement.

The cooperation includes, among others, periodic bilateral dialogues and consultations on strategic issues related to defense and military that are of common interest, sharing strategic information in the defense sector at symposiums, seminars, and study visits, as well as military cooperation in various fields between the Armed Forces.

Then also by conducting personnel exchanges, education, training, and logistical support, cooperation in defense science and technology, defense industry cooperation, and defense cooperation in other forms that are mutually decided.

“I am grateful that I signed a very strategic MoU today. Hopefully what we are doing now, 50 years later, will still have benefits", said Prabowo.

The 42nd Malindo GBC session which was co-chaired by the ministers of defense from both countries took place from 8 to 10 August 2022.

Several important agendas were discussed in the 42nd Malindo GBC Session, including reports on joint progress in the field of operations and non-operations. Fields of operations include intelligence, land, sea, air, maritime, communications and electronics, search and rescue, and police operations.

Meanwhile, the non-operational field consists of the construction of cross-border posts, the exchange of trainers and joint military exercises between the two countries, and the formation of an agreement to add a new joint post, to improve better coordination between the two countries.

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