JAKARTA - House of Representatives Commission II member Guspardi Gaus said the expansion of three new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua is part of the government's efforts to accelerate development and realize the welfare of indigenous Papuans. The PAN politician said that so far public services and bureaucratic obstacles were constrained by the vast territory of Papua. With the addition of 3 new new autonomous regions, he said, it would open access to development that would have an impact on the welfare of the Papuan people. "Hopefully, with the expansion of this new province, it will provide great benefits for the Papuan people and the political will of the government to achieve community welfare that is more focused, integrated and sustainable," said Guspardi to reporters, Monday, August 8.

According to Guspardi, the expansion of 3 Papua New Guinea is a mandate and implementation of Law (UU) Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua. To be precise, Article 76 of Law No. 2/2021 which is Lex Specialis. "When other provinces are suspended (moratorium), Papua Province gets special treatment by expanding 3DOB in Papua by the Government," said the PAN politician.

The West Sumatran legislator also explained that the expansion of the 3 Papuan new autonomous regions gave a special affirmation to the Papuan Indigenous People (OAP) by including special rules in the field of the state apparatus. Where the ASN filling formation will be filled by 80 percent by OAP. "Not only that, for the first time filling ASN with Papuan natives who are 48 years old for ASN candidates and 50 years old for temporary workers. Previously the age limit for these two formations was 35 years," explained Guspardi. Then, he continued, the government has also compiled a 'roadmap' for the implementation of the operationalization of government administration in these 3 new provinces. Starting from the inauguration of the Acting Governor, the inauguration of the Province, the management of ASN to the formation of the Papuan People's Assembly (MRP) and so on. "This is proof of the government's alignment to raise the dignity of the Indigenous Papuan People (OAP) which is really being fought for in earnest," said Guspardi.

Another form of special attention, added Guspardi, Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives together with the Government also agreed that the entire budget for the 3 Papua New Guineans was sourced from the APBN. Previously, there was an article which reads "if the APBD budget from the parent province is not disbursed to the new autonomous regions, there will be sanctions". Where the Minister of Finance can cut regional budgets. After considering various things, it was finally decided to remove the sanctions. "So it can be said that the realization of the 3 Papua New Guinea is fully budgeted from the APBN and does not depend on the APBD," he said.

Guspardi said, it is undeniable that the special autonomy funds have not been managed properly and there has been a tug of war between elites in Papua.

He added that it was suspected that most Papuan officials were in Jakarta more than in their regions. So it is natural that people are worried that the addition of these 3 new autonomous regions will not affect the welfare of the Papuan people. "It is necessary to improve the mentality of the local government and reform the bureaucracy as well as the management of central government funds in an accountable, efficient and effective manner and fully utilized for the benefit and improvement of the welfare of the Papuan people," he explained.

Guspardi added that currently the government has formed a special agency tasked with synchronizing, harmonizing, evaluating, reporting and coordinating integrated development in the Papua region. This special agency, he said, was directly chaired by the vice president and consisted of cabinet ministers, Ministry of Home Affairs officials and officials from Papua.

If the Papuan people feel a significant improvement in terms of economy, education, access to health, bureaucratic/government services and so on, Guspardi believes the formation of this New Autonomous Region will be able to reduce social jealousy which has led to the triggering of conflicts that have been happening in Papua. Meanwhile, he added, the government must provide assistance and supervision so that development in the new autonomous region of Papua can run optimally in realizing development funds in various fields. "Because it is in line with the development program that will be implemented in various sectors, ranging from infrastructure, health, education, fast bureaucratic services and so on, it is hoped that it will accelerate our brothers and sisters on the earth of Cendrawasih, catching up with other regions in Indonesia," he concluded.

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