JAKARTA - The South Sulawesi Health Service conducted narcotics tests on 229 newlyweds in the Drug-Free Priority Program, the Drug-Free Search for Mantu Movement. The Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) of the South Sulawesi Health Service, Erwan Tri Sulistyo in Makassar, Saturday said the couple Those who are about to get married will be given a letter of introduction from the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to carry out screening at the Puskesmas. with the Ministry of Religion and the BNNP of South Sulawesi," he explained. This innovation program is to prevent family-based narcotics abuse which was initiated by the Governor of South Sulawesi Andi Sudirman Sulaiman. BNNP) to provide free Narcotics Screening for couples getting married. Erwan explained that the screening was carried out using the ASSIST (Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test) method, which is an initial examination that includes all psychoactive substances specifically designed to be used by officers. health services within the scope of health services, including in First Level Health Service Facilities. "Then from this ASSIST screening we will group them into three groups, namely low, medium and high risk," he said. For example, if he was suspected of using drugs, he was immediately given a certificate. For participants with positive test results, said Erwan, it will be continued by giving recommendations to carry out rehabilitation through the South Sulawesi BNNP. can be carried out, the person concerned only signs a letter for a rehabilitation statement," he explained. Of this number, 183 people are in the light category, the remaining 46 are in the moderate and heavy category.

"We continued with 46 people who were in the moderate and severe categories with urine tests and the results were negative," said Erwan. Governor Andi Sudriman in commemoration of the International Anti-Drug Day some time ago emphasized the importance of preventing drug abuse starting from the family environment. it will never end, it needs to be accompanied by prevention and from the family, the role of the family is very important, that's why one of our programs with the BNNP Sulsel this year is to find a drug-free daughter-in-law," he said. Ghiri Prawijaya assesses that the Governor's initiation program is a brilliant form of innovation so that people become aware and the family environment is the main supporting factor for successful treatment of narcotics snares.

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