JAKARTA - PDI-P politician Effendi Simbolon said the encouragement and pressure for Puan Maharani to run as a presidential candidate for 2024 is getting stronger, following the needs of the Indonesian nation in the future which are getting tougher and more diverse.

"Together with Mbak Puan, we hope for future improvements for the Indonesian people. Not only in the field of economy and people's welfare, but also the upholding of our nation's ideology," said Effendi Simbolon in a webinar entitled "Measuring the Opportunities for the Three Main Axis of the 2024 Presidential Election", reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 3rd.

According to him, the figure of Puan Maharani also answers the need for an Indonesian identity with the Pancasila ideology which is currently facing many trials.

He said that the issue of ideology is very important because there are many trials that are faced, both from within and from outside. Therefore, the figure of Puan is increasingly needed as a presidential candidate.

"Our nation's ideology has a lot of influence from outside and inside, so this must be a criterion to see who will be promoted as a candidate in 2024," he explained.

Effendi Simbolon personally emphasized that Puan Maharani's role as a presidential candidate is getting better day by day. Puan can provide an alternative color for the community and have the qualifications to bring improvements to the Indonesian nation in the future.

As someone who has known Puan Maharani for a long time, Effendi Simbolon admits that he is very aware of the extraordinary actions of Putri from Taufik Kiemas and Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Mbak Puan is based on a UI graduate and comes from a good family journey. She has good political experience, a member of the DPR for three terms, the coordinating minister for PMK, and now the chairman of the DPR as well as a leader in the party. All these positions are carried out very well," he explained.

In addition, Effendi Simbolon reminded Puan that she has more value as a figure who is thick with leadership blood.

"The weight of Mbak Puan's good seed is Bung Karno's grandson, her daughter Megawati and Mr. Taufiq Kiemas who are famous for being sympathetic figures. He (Taufiq Kiemas, ed) has no hostile words, he is a Sumatran person who loves Indonesia very much. That drip also flows to Mbak Madam," said Effendi Simbolon.

For a long time, Puan has become an independent person and her independence cannot be denied because it can be seen from her performance. In her many mandates, Puan always leaves a positive impression and impression.

"After being successful as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and entering as chairman of the DPR, practically everything has gone very well so far. All factions are free to express their political stance. There are no shackles of guided democracy in the DPR, which are all restricted. There is nothing like that. each. That's Mbak Puan," he said.

In terms of political surveys, he said, Puan is rarely mentioned by name. However, he said that until now the public recognizes Puan as the Speaker of the DPR and not yet as a candidate (candidate/cawapres).

Therefore, Effendi Simbolon is optimistic that the name Puan will continue to move up with strong electability over time, and the time will be determined by the Presidential Candidate for 2024.

"I am optimistic that we will continue to move to get sufficient electability. To co-exist or accompany, that is the domain of the general chairman (Megawati Soekarnoputri, ed). What is certain is that we are upright with the party's decision, but personally I say Puan Maharani," he asserted.

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