KUDUS - The Youth Education and Sports Office (Disdikpora) of Kudus Regency, Central Java, is waiting for instructions from the Central Government to withdraw the book of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) for seventh-grade students because there is an error about the Trinity in Protestantism and Catholicism.

"Until now, we have not received an order from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to withdraw the PPKn book," said the Head of Basic Education at the Kudus Regency Youth and Sports Education Office, M. Zubaedi in Kudus, Wednesday.

Meanwhile, he said, the book had already been circulated in schools and had been used for the teaching and learning process of students.

Based on the results of the communication with the PPKn Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP) in Kudus, he said, the students had not yet arrived at the material, so it was possible that the students had not read it.

The PPKn MGMP, he added, immediately coordinated with various parties to determine the settlement steps, considering that the book had already been purchased.

"Even if it is withdrawn and asked to be replaced with a new one from the publisher, of course, it will take a long time. While the teaching and learning process continues," he said.

According to him, the correction can temporarily be given by printing it according to the size of the page that is considered wrong, then pasting it on the page or maybe there is another solution from each school to rectify the explanation of the Christian and Catholic Trinity in the PPKn book page 79 for Junior High School Class VII publications 2021.

Meanwhile, the Head of SMPN 1 Kudus Ahmadi Setiawan admitted that he only found out about the problem on Wednesday, August 3.

"I also haven't seen the explanation in the PPKn book directly. Let us coordinate with the PPKn MGMP regarding the solution," he said.

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