SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the central government to tighten access to Indonesia to prevent the spread of monkeypox, which has emerged in several countries.

"We ask that because there must be external influences, the entrance to Indonesia still needs to be tightened and checking using a lot of equipment to be safe," said Ganjar in Semarang, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 3.

The number one person in Central Java said monkeypox had become a concern for his party by taking anticipatory steps. "We are still monitoring to this day, yesterday there was something like that, but it is still being investigated," he said.

Ganjar revealed that a patient with suspected monkeypox is currently under the supervision of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, but confirmed that the patient is symptomatic and has not been confirmed as positive for monkeypox.

"We have not dared to determine whether it is monkeypox or not, but we are monitoring it," he said.

The former member of the DPR said that previously a similar case was also found with a patient with symptoms similar to monkeypox, but after further examination, the result was negative.

"In the past someone came to us, I checked, but the results of the last laboratory examination were not monkeypox, thank God," he said.

Ganjar asked all components of the community to remain vigilant and continue to apply a healthy lifestyle in anticipating the monkeypox outbreak.

Previously, a resident of Central Java was suspected of contracting monkeypox, but the Central Java Health Office stated that the resident was still only a suspect or symptomatic.

Head of the Central Java Health Office Yunita Dyah Suminar said that the patient is currently undergoing isolation and his condition is still being monitored intensively by the local hospital.

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