JAKARTA - A man with the initials R (40) was found dead in an electrical substation box on Jalan AA, South Sukabumi, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday, August 3. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Kebon Jeruk Police, Iptu Rizky Ari Budianto, said the man had a mental disorder.

"So at first he was joking with the parking attendants there, then he said he wanted to take a machete to scare the parking attendants", said Iptu Rizky to reporters, Wednesday, August 3.

Then a few moments later an explosion was heard from the direction of the electrical substation box.

"It didn't take long to hear the sound of an explosion when he saw that he (the victim) had been electrocuted", he said.

The victim's body has been taken to Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta.

Kanit further said that the victim was a resident. The victim also has a family but often sleeps near the substation. The victim also put clothes near the electrical substation.

"The victim's family also holds the control letter. (victim) Mental disorders", he said.

Meanwhile, according to Budi, a resident, before the victim died, residents had heard the sound of an explosion from inside the substation box.

"Residents heard that there was an explosion from inside the substation box. Eh, I didn't know there was someone there", he said.

Confirmed separately, the Head of Operations Section of the West Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Syarifudin, said that his party did not receive any reports regarding the information on the explosion of the electrical substation.

"The fire department was not involved. (The victim) Had died, so he tried to commit suicide or was electrocuted at the substation. The firefighters couldn't report it, they didn't go there (TKP)", he said when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 3.

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