JAKARTA - The Chinese government finally congratulated the President-elect of the United States (US), Joe Biden on Friday, November 13. The congratulations were conveyed after seeing the development of Biden's voice which continued to outperform Donald Trump for almost a week after the US Presidential Election (Pilpres).

"We respect the choices of the American people. We congratulate Biden and Harris, "said a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin.

"We understand the results of the US Presidential Election. The winner will be determined according to law and procedure, "he added, repeating Beijing's previous stance.

Then, China doesn't really care about Trump's position in rejecting the results of the US Presidential Election. This is evidenced by China's reluctance to comment on Trump's plan to file a lawsuit against the fraud in the voting process.

Meanwhile, as long as Trump has led the US, relations between the US and China have appeared to be at their lowest. Disputes such as technology, trade, the issue of Hong Kong, Uighur Muslims to the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic have made relations between the two countries even more tenuous. In fact, Chinese President Xi Jinping was the one who sent his congratulations to Trump in the past, the day after defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016.

So far, Biden has won the electoral vote with achievements of 290 compared to Trump's 214. Biden was more than enough to hold the keys to the White House.

While major cities in the US celebrated Biden's victory, in other states, Trump's supporters reacted and denied the winning result of the Democratic presidential candidate. Not a few Trump supporters demonstrated and asked for a re-voting process and claimed that President Trump won.

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