JAKARTA - Lawyer for the family of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak said that his examination this time was related to changes in the examination report (BAP). One of them is about gunshot wounds.

"So the point was to change the official report into a report on the examination of the reporter or witness or become a pro justitia," said Kamaruddin to reporters, Tuesday, August 2.

Based on the first examination, Kamaruddin did not mention the wounds on the body of Brigadier J.

But at today's examination, all the injuries were described to investigators. Moreover, the legal team has a summary of the results of the re-autopsy based on witness observations.

"Based on the results of the re-autopsy seen by our ambassador or our deputy who is a doctor and master of health, it turns out that the wound was a gunshot wound from behind through the nose, that's all in addition," he said.

Previously, Kamaruddin also stated that there were six cracks in the skull of Adjutant Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Then, there were also cuts such as cuts under Brigadier J's eyes. Then, wounds on his upper eyebrows and right shoulder.

“Then above the eyebrows. Then on the right shoulder there was an open wound," said Kamaruddin.

Kamaruddin had previously been questioned on July 20, last year. The inspection process was after a coordination meeting with Kompolnas and the Timsus.

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