JAKARTA - A body in a sack was found in a roadside garbage dump in the Jinjing area RT017/RW003, Crukcuk Village, Tanara District, Serang Regency, Saturday, July 30.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Serang Police, AKP Dedi Mirza, said investigators had conducted initial interrogation of three witnesses who knew about the initial discovery of the body.

"The body cannot be identified and the gender is unknown because it is wrapped in a white sack," AKP Dedi told reporters, Saturday, June 30.

Although the crime scene has been processed, the victim's body has not been identified by the police.

For further processing, the victim's body was taken to Bhayangkara Hospital for an autopsy.

"To find out the profile of the victim and the cause of death, investigators have brought the body to Bhayangkara Hospital for an autopsy," he said.

In order to facilitate the investigation, he appealed to the public if they lost a family member to immediately go to the nearest police station.

"People who feel they have lost a family member and know information about the body's findings can contact the call center 110 and the Banten Police social media platform," he said.

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