ACEH - The Banda Aceh City Government through the Office of Islamic Shari'a (DSI) provides reinforcement for urban preachers to strengthen the application of Islamic Shari'a in the capital city of Aceh province.

"Urban dai can be intermediaries who can confirm or reverse negative news by media outside Aceh into positive narratives," said Banda Aceh Secretariat Government Assistant Bachtiar, in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, July 29.

Bachtiar said that in this era of information disclosure, the government faces so many challenges in enforcing the practice of Islamic law.

Then, there are still misunderstandings from outside Aceh about the implementation of Islamic Shari'a due to misinformation, efforts to shallow aqidah by irresponsible people, and there are still violations of Shari'a in society.

Therefore, Bachtiar hopes that urban dai can improve understanding, practice Shari'a and strengthen aqidah to the people of Banda Aceh.

"Making Banda Aceh a city that glorifies Islamic values and as a home for all religious people," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Islamic Shari'a Service, Ridwan, said that urban preachers were a supporting element in the enforcement of Islamic law in Banda Aceh.

"Current Dairy have been with us since 2012, and we continue to increase their capacity," said Ridwan.

He hopes that the strengthening can accelerate the implementation of Islamic Sharia, so that Banda Aceh can become a pilot project for Aceh to the national level.

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