CIANJUR - Cianjur Police, West Java has named one of the suspects as the owner of a 10-hectare marijuana field in Perhutani's Gunung Karuhun area, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency, covering an area of 10 hectares.
Previously, the suspect was asked to testify as a witness.
Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Doni Hermawan said that previously the police had asked for statements from eight witnesses. One of them was named a suspect because he confessed to his actions together with other suspects.
"Suspect H has been named a suspect after undergoing several examinations and admitting his actions together with other suspects who are currently being pursued and are included in the People's Wanted List (DPO) Cianjur Police", he said as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 28.
The police are still developing the case, including pursuing the perpetrator who supplied marijuana seeds to several suspects in Campaka District. This includes continuing to explore and comb Perhutani's land which is used as a location for planting marijuana trees.
"We will continue to explore this case to the end, including arresting other suspects and the cannabis seed supplier to Cianjur", continued AKBP Doni.
Previously, the Cianjur Police found hundreds of marijuana items in Mount Karuhun which were planted on 10 hectares of land owned by Perhutani. Cannabis trees are planted separately on the edge of a ravine that is rarely passed by residents.
Cianjur Police together with Perhutani Cianjur, formed a joint team to conduct a sweep of more than 1,000 hectares of land to ensure that no more cannabis trees were planted in the protected forest.
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