JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has increased the bed capacity (BOR) of COVID-19 patients at 140 referral hospitals to 3.694 units from the previous 3.656 units.
"This is an increase in BOR from 3.694 beds that are used by 732 beds," said Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria at City Hall, Thursday, July 28.
Based on data from the DKI Provincial Government, the current BOR rate reaches 20 percent, an increase from the data per Sunday (24/7) reaching 19 percent with the occupancy of COVID-19 isolation patients reaching 711 people.
Meanwhile, the bed capacity in the intensive care room (ICU) is currently occupied by 86 patients out of a total capacity of 587 beds or 15 percent.
"So, there is an increase, be careful. For that, let's implement the health protocol," said Riza.
In addition to the health protocol, his party asked the public to visit vaccination centers at a number of points provided by the DKI Provincial Government, including the public health center (puskesmas).
Vaccinations including the third dose are expected to reduce the worse impact of COVID19.
"Let's all invite families, especially parents, the elderly, we encourage including children, let's take parents, children to vaccines," he said.
Based on data from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government on Wednesday (27/7), active cases, namely patients who were treated and isolated, reached 1,377 cases and positive cases of COVID-19 increased by 3.279 cases.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 recovered cases also increased to 1,901 cases. Meanwhile, the percentage of positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta reached 17.5 percent of the total number of people tested for "polymerase chain reaction" (PCR) for a week, reaching nearly 106.000 people.
The high number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta was also driven by the high number of people who were tested by PCR for a week from the minimum number of tests reaching 10.645 people according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards.
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