JAKARTA - The adjutant or aide de camp (ADC) of the inactive Head of the Police's Professional and Security Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, including Bharada E, was summoned by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), Tuesday, July 26. However, until this afternoon, Bharada E did not appear at the Komnas HAM office.
"This morning there were five aides from Ferdi Sambo who had fulfilled the summons of Komnas HAM for questioning. We are still waiting for several others, as best we can today. We have also asked the National Police Headquarters about the absence of two more people", said Komnas HAM chairman, Ahmad Taufan Damani, Tuesday, July 26.
The aides were questioned and questioned regarding the shooting incident of Brigadier J alias Nofryansah Yosua Hutabarat at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's house.
"Until now (Bharade E) hasn't been (present) that's why we are asking the whereabouts of Bharada E's brother. Maybe it's because he is currently under the protection of Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) or other units, I don't know yet. But we have asked the National Police Headquarters where Bharada E is because Komnas HAM very interested in getting direct information from Bharada E", continued Taufan.
Taufan emphasized that Komnas HAM sought and requested that the examination of the 7 aides be completed today. His party will check why Bharada E hasn't arrived yet.
"While there are 7 we will ask again if there are others, if there are others we ask for all of them. This morning only 5 arrived, so we asked again why the others had not come. Is there an examination or is there a certain procedure, because for example someone has reported to LPSK we want to know", he said.
"All of them [were summoned] while we know there are 7, if later on there will be other staff, we don't know. Today as much as possible. [If they don't come]] we will ask officially because the information from them is very important, especially Bharada E", he said.
Taufan has not been able to confirm when today's examination will be completed. What is clear, he said, is that if Bharada E is not present today, Komnas HAM will schedule another appointment tomorrow morning
"I don't know until we finish the question-and-answer interaction. There is a companion from the National Police Headquarters, of course, there is outside. One-on-one examination in a different room",
"I asked for [Bharade E] to come. We will wait for tomorrow morning [if he is not present until the afternoon]. [Bharada E] Must come!" said Taufan.
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