BARAT ACEH - The National SAR Agency (Basarnas) of the Meulaboh Post with a joint team consisting of the TNI, Polri, RAPI Aceh Barat volunteers and the community were still searching for a resident who was suspected of missing in the forest in the interior of West Aceh. The missing person is Syarifuddin, 47 years old, a resident of Blang Mee Village, Woyla District, West Aceh Regency," said the Coordinator of the Meulaboh Pos Basarnas, Liza Irwansyah in West Aceh, Monday night. traditional medicine house in the area of Blang Dalam Village, Woyla Timur District, West Aceh on Saturday evening, July 23, because it was suspected that he had stomach acid. After treatment, the victim did not return home, but stayed with his wife and children at his brother's house in the village Bouquet Meugajah, Woyla Timur District, West Aceh Regency. However, on Sunday, July 24, at around At 05.00 WIB, said Liza Irwansyah, Syarifuddin's victim was no longer in bed and was thought to have disappeared from home.

Knowing that her husband was no longer at home, the victim's wife then reported the incident to her brother and a number of other residents for search efforts. found signs of the victim's whereabouts. The joint team's search efforts also covered oil palm plantations, forests and river areas in Woyla Timur District, Aceh Barat Regency. on the whereabouts of the victim," said Liza Irwansyah.

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