JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) has received as many as 721 public reports and 643 copies of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges (KEPPH) in the first half of 2022, to be precise from January-June 2022. There are 643 reports to the Judicial Commission, while the reports that go directly to the Judicial Commission are 721 reports," said the Head of Judicial Commission's Supervision and Investigation Division Joko Sasmito in an online press conference for the First Semester of 2022 Judge Supervision Sector, monitored from the Judicial Commission's YouTube channel, in Jakarta, Monday, July 25. When compared to the first semester of 2021, the number of public reports increased by approximately 86.5 percent from 387 reports. Joko explained that since the service for receiving public reports has reopened offline, people who come directly to the KY Office for submit reports of alleged violations of the judge's code of ethics increases n This investigation details community reports by type of case. Through these details, the types of cases that dominate are civil matters. reports, 44 reports on state administration, 32 reports on corruption, industrial relations disputes 24 reports, 18 commercial reports, 7 environmental reports, 4 military reports, and 22 other reports.

The types of justice reported are still dominated by general courts, with 483 reports. The next positions are the Religious Courts with 66 reports, the Supreme Court 64 reports, State Administration with 38 reports, Commercial 18 reports, Corruption 17 reports, Industrial Relations 11 reports, Military 5 reports, Human Rights 1 report, and 18 other reports. not all reports can be carried out through a panel or plenary examination process because incoming reports need to be verified for the completeness of the requirements to be registered, such as ensuring the fulfillment of administrative requirements and substance. 721 reports), KY stated that there were 136 reports that met the requirements for registration, namely 58 reports before 2022, and 78 reports in 2022," said Joko. . Meanwhile, there are 177 reports that are still waiting for the request for completeness, 25 reports are not under the authority of the Judicial Commission, 88 reports are forwarded to other agencies, and 126 reports cannot be accepted. . Furthermore, the report will be analyzed in depth," said Joko.

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