JAKARTA - Two employees of Joko Tjandra at Mulia Group, Nurmawan Fransisca and Nurdin, confirmed that the handover of money to businessman Tommy Sumardi was ordered by his boss.

"Mr (Joko Tjandra) called me and said you prepared 100,000 US dollars to be handed over to Pak Tommy," said Fransisca at the Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 10.

Fransisca and Nurdin became witnesses for businessman Tommy Sumardi who was accused of brokering bribes from convicted banker Djoko Tjandra to the former Head of the International Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte totaling 200,000 Singapore dollars and 270,000 US dollars and the former Head of the Coordinating and Supervision Bureau (Kakorwas ) Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) of the National Police Brigadier General Prasetijo totaling 150,000 US dollars.

The purpose of giving the money was for Napoleon Bonaparte to remove the name Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra from the wanted list (DPO) at the Directorate General of Immigration.

Money will be given in stages starting April 27, 2020 through Nurdin. Fransisca also made a receipt for Tommy to sign.

"It was signed by Pak Tommy," said Fransisca.

Furthermore, on April 28, 2020, Fransisca was also asked to provide 200,000 Singapore dollars.

"I was on my way to the office, Mr. Djoko then called me, he asked 'Where are you? Sir, I am on the way to the office'. 'Then you go to Hotel Mulia Senayan, you will wait there, there will be people delivered 200,000 Singapore dollars' so I didn't go to the office and headed to Hotel Mulia Senayan, "said Fransisica.

At Hotel Mulia Senayan, Fransisca then met someone in the lobby near the reception. After receiving Djoko Tjandra's money, called again and asked to hand over the money to Tommy.

"I called Pak Djoko again to inform him that the money had been received. Pak Djoko said, 'Sis, you just wait there. You eat first, rest. Later in the afternoon you will give the money to Mr Tommy'," said Fransisca, imitating Djoko Tjandra's words.

The money was then handed over by Fransisca to Tommy Sumardi by making a receipt which was his personal initiative.

Subsequent gifts on May 4, 2020, amounting to US $ 150,000, also with proof.

"On May 12, 2020, for the delivery of 100,000 US dollars, the procedure is more or less the same, Mr. Djoko called me and instructed funds and conveyed it to Nurdin so that the money goes to Mr. Tommy and Mr. Djoko calls Nurdin," said Fransisca.

However, Fransisca admitted that she did not know the purpose of giving the money.

The last money given to Tommy was on May 22, amounting to 50,000 US dollars. All money surrenders except on April 28, 2020 were submitted through Nurdin.

Nurdin, who was also presented as a witness, admitted that he had submitted documents to Tommy in addition to handing over money.

"There are documents submitted but I do not know the contents. After (Tommy) signed it, I informed Pak Djoko that the goods had been received and Mr. Djoko was okay, I returned to the office, I submitted the receipt to Mrs. Siska," said Nurdin.

Tommy Sumardi, when responding to the testimony, confirmed the statements of the two.

"I forgot how much, but the cumulative amount is Rp. 8.5 billion in total as of May 4, 2020," said Tommy.

The indictment states that the bribes were given in stages to Napoleon and Prasetijo by Tommy in April-May 2020, namely on April 27 2020 amounting to 100,000 US dollars for Prasetijo, on 28 April 2020 amounting to 200,000 Singapore dollars for Napoleon.

The next day, on April 29 2020, amounting to 100,000 US dollars to Napoleon, on 4 May 2020 amounting to 150,000 US dollars to Napoleon, on 5 May 2020 amounting to 20,000 US dollars to Napoleon, on 6 May 2020 amounting to 50,000 US dollars to Prasetijo.

"The total money that Joko Tjandra handed over to Tommy Sumardi was 500,000 US dollars and 200,000 Singapore dollars," the prosecutor said in the indictment.

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