JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) will start the 2024 election stage by opening the registration of political parties (parties) on August 1 to 14, 2022.

The schedule was officially stipulated in the General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulation No. 4/2022 concerning registration, verification, and determination of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election, issued on 20 July 2022. In addition to registration, the regulation also explains the stages of verification and determination of political parties in the 2024 General Election. Regarding the start of the 2024 General Election, the NasDem Party plans to register with the KPU on the first day. NasDem Deputy Secretary General Dedy Ramanta said his party targets to register 100 percent for all levels of management, both at the provincial, district/city and sub-district levels. Yes, there are obstacles," said Dedy in a written statement, Monday, July 25.

"We have followed administrative and factual verification in two elections. Thank God, in the two elections we were 100 percent. Now, for 2024 we are also targeting 100 percent, although there are several regions that have divisions," he continued.

It is known, based on the Election Law, the requirements for registration of political parties participating in the 2024 General Election are fully regulated in Article 173 Paragraph (2) of which they have management in all provinces. Then it has management in 75 percent of the total regencies/cities in the province and 50 percent of the management in the number of sub-districts in the regencies/cities.

In addition, it has at least 1,000 members or 1/1,000 of the total population in the management of political parties. Then, have a permanent office for management at the central, provincial, and district/city levels until the last stage of the election.

Dedy said that for now the NasDem Party has uploaded the required data to become participants in the 2024 General Election. For example, in terms of membership, more than 90 percent of the member data has been entered into the Sipol (Political Party Information System).

"Then the management data has reached 85 percent and the office data has reached 75 percent, the rest is still being uploaded to Sipol," he said.

Even so, Dedy has not mentioned who the NasDem administrators will register directly with the KPU. "Who registers, we will see later," said Dedy. While in PKPU, the registration of political parties is carried out by the leadership of political parties, namely the general chairman and secretary general or people who are given the power to register plus a liaison officer or LO from their respective parties.

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