JAKARTA - Former Investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Yudi Purnomo Harahap is concerned about the position of the KPK, which now has the lowest level of trust among other law enforcers. In fact, this institution used to be an example.

This was conveyed by Yudi in response to the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) which placed the KPK as a law enforcement agency with the lowest public trust.

"We are concerned about the condition of the level of public trust, which according to LSI is below other law enforcers. Even though the KPK when it was originally established was a trigger mechanism as well as a role model for other law enforcers, especially in eradicating corruption," Yudi said to VOI in a written statement, Monday, 25 July.

Yudi then compared the condition of the KPK before it was led by Firli Bahuri. According to him, the anti-corruption commission was previously trusted by the public because of several things, such as a leader with integrity and trustworthy to his ability to catch big-time corruptors.

In the future, Yudi assessed, this public trust could decrease and it would not be easy to raise it up again. Moreover, during this period, KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar resigned due to alleged ethical violations.

Lili resigned after allegedly receiving accommodation and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP from PT Pertamina (Persero). "I don't think public trust will easily rise above other law enforcement agencies," he said.

"However, public confidence can increase if the KPK catches big corruptors or at least catches the fugitive who is most in the public eye, namely Harun Masiku," continued Yudi.

As previously reported, LSI revealed that public trust in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was decreasing. Even though it is at 60 percent, the anti-corruption commission is the most distended among other law enforcers.

"The National Police has the highest level of trust, followed by the Prosecutor's Office, the court, then the KPK. So the KPK is at the top in the level of trust even though the level of trust is still at 60 percent and above," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan when presenting the results of the online survey, Sunday. , July 24.

Djayadi then detailed the highest level of trust based on the survey was occupied by the TNI with 89 percent. Followed by the President 77 percent, the Police 72 percent, the Prosecutor's Office 70 percent, and the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) 68 percent.

Then, the Court is 66 percent, the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) 64 percent, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) 63 percent, the People's Representative Council (DPR) 56 percent and Political Parties (Parpol) 51 percent.

LSI revealed that the level of trust in the National Police was stagnant from the survey results some time ago. However, this condition could change after a shooting incident involving the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Meanwhile, the level of confidence in the prosecutor's office tends to increase over the past two months from 64 percent to 70 percent.

"Then the level of trust in the courts rose from 64 to 65. So there was an increase but there was a decrease in the level of trust in the KPK," he concluded.

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