JAKARTA - National Children's Day (HAN) which is celebrated every July 23 should serve as a reminder for all parties to fulfill their rights. The fulfillment of children's rights is a guarantee for Indonesia's future.

"National Children's Day 2022 must be a momentum to improve children's welfare," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Thursday, July 21 in a written statement.

Puan said the state must ensure that Indonesian children get their rights. Puan detailed, starting from the right to a family environment and alternative care, basic health and welfare, education, the use of free time and cultural activities, as well as special protection for children.

"Because the fulfillment of children's rights is the foundation of the nation's future, especially the right to their welfare," he said.

According to Puan, the constitution of the 1945 Constitution has regulated the provision of protection and guarantees for human rights (HAM), including the right to obtain welfare for children. To realize this, the DPR is currently initiating the Maternal and Child Welfare Bill (RUU KIA).

"The MCH Bill was initiated to create superior human resources (HR) who will bring Indonesia further forward," said Puan.

Through the MCH Bill, the State has an obligation to provide good welfare for mothers and children. By providing welfare for mothers, said Puan, the State also ensures the creation of welfare for children as the next generation.

"The MCH Bill aims to create a sense of security and peace for mothers and children. This includes improving the quality of life for mothers and children to achieve physical and spiritual well-being," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Furthermore, Puan said the MCH Bill would guarantee efforts to respect, promote, protect and fulfill the rights of mothers and children. Then also to protect mothers and children from acts of violence, neglect and all acts of discrimination and other human rights violations.

"With this bill, the DPR hopes that the child welfare system will be more focused, integrated and sustainable in the national social welfare system," said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, said that the MCH Bill allows every Indonesian child to receive assistance from his family. Puan also highlighted the importance of providing integrated health facilities for children since they were still in the womb as regulated in the MCH Bill.

"Of course it is also related to the right to breast milk, the right to get supporting facilities/infrastructure in public facilities such as playgrounds, to child care at work and at the location of other service providers," he explained.

With the theme of the 2022 HAN 'Protected Children, Advanced Indonesia', Puan invites the public to always provide protection to children. One of them is through support for the MCH Bill which has become the DPR Initiative Bill.

"We must take good care of the children who will become the nation's golden generation. The superior generation, Indonesia will be even more superior," concluded Puan.

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