JAKARTA - Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman invites journalists to play an active role in preventing the spread of hoaxes and false news. How to give the truth news.

The invitation was conveyed by General Dudung, who is the Chair of the Central Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) Board of Trustees when opening the 2022 SMSI National Leadership Working Meeting (Rapimnas) at the AH Nasution Hall, Headquarters, Jakarta, Thursday, July 21.

General Dudung said, the development of technology and information in the digital era has presented new challenges and threats to the life of the nation and state.

He continued, the post-truth era has marked a social shift involving mainstream media and opinion makers where facts are contested with hoaxes and lies to be believed by the public.

With the presence of social media, mainstream media is no longer the main reference. So, the challenge for cyber media, especially for SMSI, is to prevent news that contains hoax elements.

"I hope that the existence of SMSI can neutralize the situation, and can counter false news by providing truthful news," added General Dudung.

In front of the 250 participants of the SMSI Rapimnas, Dudung invited him to develop peace journalism by providing honest and clear information.

"Make the Journalistic Code of Ethics as the principle in carrying out reporting activities, as well as restoring the essence of ideal journalism with the motive of maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation, as well as taking care and seriously maintaining the values of the Pancasila ideology, the foundation is the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, the pillar is unity and integrity," the roof is diversity,” said General Dudung.

The Army Chief of Staff advised to take advantage of the moment of the SMSI Rapimnas to discuss matters that are constructive in building synergy between the mass media, the Press Council, KPI, the Government and the community. Dudung was also a witness in the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between SMSI and the Indonesian Army's Cyber and Password Center (Pussansiad).

One of the materials in the Rapimnas is the Bimtek News Room and a limited discussion delivered by Danpussansiad Brigadier General Iroth Sonny Edhie, as well as the Kasad book review activity entitled "Passing Newspapers Become Generals, The Art of Leading the TNI General Dudung Abdurachman."

Also present at the opening ceremony of Rapimnas, the main officials of the Indonesian Army, the Chairman of the Press Council, Prof. Dr. Azyumadi Azra, General Chairperson of PWI Atal S. Depari, SMSI Advisory Council Budiman Sudjatmiko, the Council of Experts, Trustees and advisors to the central SMSI. (Dispenad)

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