JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej said one of the weaknesses in completing the Twenty-seventh July Coup Incident (Kudatuli) 1996 was that this case had not been included as a case of gross human rights violations by Komnas HAM. July 27 is a gross violation of human rights, based on Law 26 of 2000, the investigation is Komnas HAM," said Hiariej in a Public Discussion Commemorating the 26th Anniversary of the 27 July Incident which was held at the PDI-P DPP Office, Jalan Diponegoro 58, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, July 21. The professor of criminal law continued, it is the president's decision to enter the human rights court, and this is a mechanism that inevitably is a political process. to the Attorney General's Office, then for the establishment of this human rights court it is necessary to have the approval of the DPR ducks," he said again. According to him, the 27 July 1996 incident was a crime against democracy. From the perspective of gross human rights violations, this case is an extraordinary crime, according to Law No. 26/2000. Fourth, there is knowledge of the attack. So I make sure this is a crime against humanity," said Hiariej. Komnas HAM commissioner Sandrayati Moniaga said that so far the status of the July 27 case as a serious human rights violation was only a study.

In 2003, there was indeed a recommendation for Komnas HAM to resolve a number of cases of alleged gross human rights violations, such as the Tanjung Priok case, the Petrus case and the Aceh DOM case. According to him, the pro-justitia investigation on July 27 has not yet been discussed by Komnas HAM. However, that can change if there is a new decision by the plenary session of the National Human Rights Commission. stop fighting for the completion of the case. He asked the relevant government officials to give serious attention. "Of course we will never stop fighting for it, we are never tired even though we face walls of legal injustice that continue to confront us to solve it," said Hasto. , the PDI-P DPP expects Komnas HAM, government officials, the Attorney General's Office to really follow up so that this dark event can be revealed who the intellectual actors behind the PDI DPP office attack are. "This is what we hope for," said Hasto. Secretary General of the DPP PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto. The speakers were Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, Commissioner of Komnas HAM Sandrayati Moniaga, Chair of the PDIP DPP Ribka Tjiptaning, and members of the faction and member of the Indonesian Democracy Defenders Team (TPDI) Trimedya Panjaitan. or Kudatuli, there was an attack attempt to forcefully take over the PDI office building which was then occupied by supporters of General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

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