JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has handed over the status of the use of state property (BMN) at the ESDM Research and Development Agency to the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

The handover of BMN assets, which was held in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20, was the first time it was officially carried out at the ministry level.

"By signing the Minutes of the Handover of Status of Use of BMN to BRIN, BMN can officially be used by BRIN to support BRIN's duties and functions," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ego Syahrial in his remarks, Wednesday 20 July.

Ego explained, specifically for the transfer of assets, the BMN that will be handed over to BRIN consists of land and building for the KEBTKE Technology Center Office Building in Gunung Sindur, Bogor, West Java.

Furthermore, 869 units of equipment and machinery from the Working Unit of Research and Development Center for KEBTKE Technology, Research and Development Center for Oil and Gas Technology "Lemigas", Research Center for Tekmira, and Center for Marine Geology Research and Development.

"The total assets handed over today amounted to Rp116,813,753,885," he said in detail.

Ego explained that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources together with BRIN had completed a series of processes for transferring the status of using BMN until the issuance of the Minister of Finance's Approval on the Transfer of User Status.

"We hope that the handed over BMN can provide benefits and support the implementation of the duties and functions of BRIN and can maintain good cooperation between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and BRIN, especially in conducting surveys and testing of the ESDM sector," he said.

Ego added that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources fully supports the integration of research, development, assessment and application activities into BRIN, as mandated by Law Number 11 of 2019 concerning the National System of Science and Technology.

In order to support the acceleration of integration and transfer of these activities to BRIN, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has even processed the integration of 99 functional researchers, engineers and engineering technicians who declared to join BRIN.

Meanwhile, the Acting (Plt) Main Secretary of BRIN, Nur Tri Aries Suestiningtyas, appreciated the cooperation during the process of handing over BMN assets from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to BRIN.

"The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is the first ministry in which the process of transferring BMN assets is carried out officially through official reports," he said.

Nur said the transfer of BMN from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is expected to be the initial momentum for other ministries to do the same according to the specified deadline.

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