JAKARTA - The DPR officially opens the second session of 2020-2021 in a plenary meeting today. Meetings are held physically with a maximum participant of 20 percent of the room capacity, as well as virtually for DPR members who are not physically present.

When opening the session for the II trial period, the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, said that today's plenary meeting was attended by 278 members of the board virtually and 31 physically. Puan said that the DPR has a number of strategic agendas.

"During the Second Trial Period, the DPR RI has a number of strategic agendas to be resolved through the implementation of the legislative function, budget function and supervisory function, including the implementation of parliamentary diplomacy," said Puan in the DPR plenary room, Monday, November 9.

In implementing the legislative function during the Second Session Period of the 2020-2021 Session Year, the DPR will finalize the discussion of four draft laws at Level I Discussions.

One of the regulations that will be finalized is the Draft Law on Personal Data Protection (RUU PDP). The draft Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) was signed by Jokowi on January 24, 2020 and was continued by discussion by the DPR Legislation Body.

Apart from the PDP Bill, the DPR will also discuss the Draft Law on Archipelago Areas. There is also a Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management.

Then, the Bill on Ratification of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the EFTA States (Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Partnership between the Republic of Indonesia and EFTA Countries).

Puan continued, the DPR will also soon establish a National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) for the 2021 Priority Bill as a reference in conducting the drafting and discussion of bills by the DPR and the Government, both bills originating from the DPR and the Government and the DPD.

"It is hoped that the number of Prolegnas for the Priority Bill in 2021 has paid attention to the evaluation of the Prolegnas for the Priority Bill for 2020, so that the list of Priority Bill for 2021 has a basis for consideration and a high level of legal need," said Puan.

Puan claims that the DPR still has a high commitment to discussing the bill in a transparent manner, is open to public input, absorbs people's aspirations, and is implemented by fulfilling the governance of the discussion in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

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