BANTUL - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government will reorganize the tourist area of Depok Beach, Parangtritis, Bantul Regency, DIY following the high waves that destroyed a number of non-permanent buildings on the shoreline.

"I want you to have an agreement, we will redesign how Depok is an area that has the potential for us to reorganize," said Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X during a dialogue with business actors in Depok Beach, Bantul, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, 19 July.

Before holding a dialogue with business actors and fishermen from Depok Beach, the Sultan reviewed the locations affected by high waves on the coast, because apart from causing abrasion, the tidal wave on Saturday (16/7) also damaged several non-permanent business buildings.

Sultan said that the Depok Beach area would be reorganized with better facilities, and of course it would not pose a danger to tourists or business actors themselves.

"We are reorganizing it with facilities which I hope will be better, and if that is what we hope together, it means that we design it in an area, in the sense that the arrangement of the area is not just buying and selling products or people eating here or buying them and taking them home," he said. " he said.

However, the Sultan said, every holiday there will be a performance of local cultural arts so that it becomes a tourist area.

"So that the potential for cultural tourism in Parangtritis can also develop, not only so far watching 'segoro' (sea) while eating the caught fish, but the atmosphere of the place for traveling that meets the requirements, it's become something important for me," he said.

The Sultan also said that it needed to be redesigned so that the buildings that would later be erected would not endanger the people who use Depok Parangtritis Beach tourism activities to earn income.

"It's not dangerous for them to earn a living either selling or fishing, and also how those who come here also get pretty good facilities, there are clean toilets and so on," he said.

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