JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has examined 18 witnesses during the investigation into the alleged misappropriation of aid funds by the charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT). However, so far, no suspects have been identified.

"18 witnesses have been examined," said Head of Sub-Directorate IV Dittipideksus Bareskrim Kombes Andri Sudarmaji when confirmed, Tuesday, July 19.

Several witnesses were examined by former ACT President Ahyudin and Ibnu Khajar as the current president of the charity.

Later today, investigators also examined two other people. They include the Chairman of ACT's Sharia Board Amir Faishol Fath and ACT's Board of Trustees Hariyana Hermain.

"The two witnesses are Hariyana Hermain and Dr. Amir Faishol Fath as the Chairman of the Sharia Board of the ACT Foundation. They were questioned at 13.00 WIB," he said.

Despite having examined dozens of witnesses, the process of extracting information is still ongoing. In fact, Ahyudin will be questioned on Wednesday, July 20.

"For Ibn Khajar the examination is sufficient, Ahyudin tomorrow has a schedule (examination, ed)," said Andri.

For information, the alleged misappropriation of funds by ACT Foundation management occurred during the distribution of aid to the heirs of the victims of the Lion Air JT-610 plane crash that occurred in 2018.

The alleged deviation was said to have been made by former ACT President Ahyudin and ACT President Ibnu Khajar. They are suspected of using aid funds for personal gain.

The status of the handling of this case has been upgraded from investigation to investigation. That way, sooner or later a suspect will be identified.

The increase in the status of this case is based on the results of the case title. The police believe that a crime has been committed in this case.

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