JAKARTA - Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin firmly asked the 'SCBD' teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong, Depok) who held the Fashion Show in Dukuh Atas not to disturb public order. Even Kombes Komarudin reminded the teenagers not to fall into promiscuity.

"We ask the youths in the Dukuh Atas area not to disturb public order and create disturbances to other communities," said Kombes Komarudin when contacted, Tuesday, July 19.

Kombes Komarudin reminded teenagers not to block road users passing through the area.

If the teenagers block road users and motorists, it is a disturbance in public order.

"Teenagers can enjoy the streets in the capital by enjoying the atmosphere, please. But don't disturb community activities. Such as stopping passing vehicles," he said.

Kombes Komarudin said that the actions of teenagers in the Dukuh Atas area must be positive in their creativity. But do not let the activities of these teenagers harm the next generation.

"Don't just fall into promiscuity. We also ask parents to have a big enough role in monitoring their children so they don't stay late at night in the Upper Hamlet area," he said.

Many videos showing a crowd of SCBD teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojonggede, Depok) were uploaded to the Instagram account @seputar_jaksel on Saturday, July 16, last night.

The upload contains a narrative of the atmosphere of the SCBD Fashion Show on the Dukuh Atas sidewalk, Menteng, Central Jakarta on Saturday, July 16, 2022, night.

Enthusiastic residents many who want to see the fashion show. And some residents are seen to capture photos or videos using cellphone cameras or cameras. Traffic flow seems to have stalled at the location of the SCBD fashion show.

From the uploaded video, it can be seen that a number of young people crowded the streets in the Dukuh Atas area, Central Jakarta.

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