JAKARTA - The National Police's special team is working to find the real facts behind the death of Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat. The steps that have been taken are still limited to the scene of the incident (TKP) to the deepening of the forensic team.

"We have taken steps to complete the deepening process rather than processing the crime scenes at the crime scene, namely at the police housing office, at the residence of the Head of the Propam Division," said Deputy Chief of National Police Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono to reporters at the Komnas HAM building, Friday, July 15.

However, the results obtained from the TKP analysis of the two-star general's halfway house were not disclosed.

Komjen Gatot only said that in the search for evidence and clues, a special team with forensic members had started to move. Allegedly, this step is related to the injuries suffered by Brigadier J.

In addition, members of the criminal investigation (Reskrim) have also taken steps to investigate. For example, the examination of witnesses who are considered to have seen or heard the shooting of Brigadier J and Bharada RE.

"Then the Bareskrim also conducted an examination of the witnesses who were really needed, the witnesses at the crime scene and other witnesses," continued the Deputy Chief of Police.

"All that is being done is for us to see everything based on the initial facts, we start everything from the initial crime scene, and the examination of the existing evidence is being carried out," said Gatot.

The Deputy Chief of Police asked all parties to be patient. Later, all developments regarding this case will be presented clearly.

"Of course, I ask my colleagues here to be patient and wait for the results of this process, of course, because it is in progress," said Gatot.

For information, Brigadier J alias Nopryansah Yosua Hutabara died because he was involved in a shootout by Bharada E, on Friday, July 8.

The shooting was said to have taken place at the shelter house of the Head of the Propam Police, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, in the Duren Tiga area, South Jakarta.

The results of the temporary investigation, the shootout began with the screams of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife who would be harassed by Brigadier J

It was the sound that triggered Bharada E to look for the source of the screams. When approached, it turned out that Brigadier J was found in front of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife's room.

After that there was a shootout. Until finally, Brigadier J died from being shot.

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