JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) wants to build a super app for the electronic election system with the aim of providing easy election services.

"Everything can be in one hand, political parties or the voting public can access the electronic systems needed in one hand," said KPU member Betty Epsilon Idroos, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 14.

Betty gave an example of super apps, such as those owned by Gojek or Grab, users can access many services they need with just one application, such as needing transportation facilities, ordering food, ordering shopping at minimarkets, to health issues.

"Grab or Gojek makes it easy, for example, Grab bike, Grab mart, Grab send, Grab food, even Grab health. He wants (the election super app) to be like that," he said again.

He said that in elections, election participants or the public as voters will not know about the existence of Silon, Sipol, Sirekap, Silog, Sidalih if there are no elections. Or even if he knew, according to him, it might only be one of the electronic electoral systems.

However, according to Betty, with the entire electoral system integrated in one super app, later election participants or voters can find out and use the system efficiently.

"It's only a matter of accessing the super app later, it will be broken down whether it's only a reader or can input data in the system," he said.

For example, voters can use the electronic electoral system to view voter data, namely whether they are registered or not.

Other accesses, such as political parties, can input data into the political party information system.

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