AMBON - The Ambon Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), Maluku Province has encouraged parking attendants in the area to be included in the Employment Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) program.

"Parking attendants must receive social security. All judges must be included in BPJS to get social security, both Work Accident Insurance (JKK) and Death Insurance (JKM)," said Member of Commission III DPRD Ambon City Lucky Upulatu Nikijuluw in Ambon, Between, Thursday, July 14th.

Parking attendants are prone to work accidents so they are included in the category of vulnerable workers.

According to him, so that their social security is protected, the Ambon City Transportation Service must order CV Karya Sejahtera as the winner of the public roadside parking management tender to include parking attendants as BPJS Employment participants.

Commission III has held a hearing with the Transportation Agency. During the meeting, several things were said regarding the obligation of CV Karya Sejahtera to provide social security to parking attendants in Ambon City.

He said they should be covered in the social security program.

"Apart from being a casual worker, it is also a mandate of the labor law (UU) that must be provided by companies that employ people," he explained.

He said that so far CV Karya Sejahtera has not fulfilled the provisions optimally, one of which is providing social security for parking attendants.

Commission III has agreed to encourage this to happen. The Commission also took the initiative to invite Dishub to discuss the fulfillment of this obligation by a partner, CV Karya Sejahtera.

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