JAKARTA - A motivator and founder of a well-known school in East Java with the initials JE was finally officially dismissed as a member and top leader of a multi-level marketing company (MLM) in the Central Jakarta area, Friday, July 8.

The JE case is the aftermath of an alleged sexual harassment case that two female victims of harassment have revealed on podcasts that have gone viral on social media.

The case of alleged sexual violence against high school students in Batu City, East Java was revolving after victims of abuse opened their voices on YouTube Deddy Corbuzier on Wednesday, July 6.

Since being uploaded two days ago, the 55-minute 31-second video has been watched by more than 5.2 million people and has received various criticisms from various parties.

In fact, the alleged perpetrator with the initials JE has been named a defendant and is currently undergoing the trial process. Ironically, even though he has been named a defendant, JE has not yet been arrested.

Responding to the sexual harassment, JE, who is the top leader of a multi-level marketing company (MLM), was finally officially dismissed as a membership and top leader.

In addition to admitting that he was concerned about the alleged harassment case, PT HDI ensured that all actions carried out by JE were purely his personal responsibility.

PT HDI's attorney, Ina Rachman, said that it should be underlined, in this case, PT HDI is not involved in school management and management, nor is JE's status not an employee of PT HDI.

"We reiterate once again, JE's status is not an employee of PT HDI or operates under the direction of PT HDI. JE is one of the business partners or we call it an independent enterpriser, which develops a direct sales network or MLM," he told reporters, Friday, July 8.

Ina emphasized that all JE's actions are absolutely personal responsibility. In a situation like this, PT HDI is concerned about the case of sexual harassment experienced by a number of students as victims in Batu Malang, East Java.

"Last year when the case emerged, PT HDI had taken action by dismissing its membership as a business partner or enterpriser. Since the beginning, PT HDI has always followed and observed the development of cases," he said.

This development, continued Ina, starting from the investigation at the East Java Regional Police to the trial at the Malang District Court. However, the latest developments, he continued, required the company to take firm action.

Therefore, PT HDI has decided to immediately terminate JE's membership.

"This case is very contrary to all of our values and beliefs, then PT HDI takes a zero-tolerance attitude towards any form of abuse or violation committed by business partners," he said.

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