JAKARTA - The Majma'al Bahrain Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) or Ponpes Shiddiqiyayah no longer has an operational permit. The Ministry of Religion froze the Islamic boarding school permit in Ploso, Jombang, East Java, due to the alleged cases of bullying and obscenity against female students.

The case involved Moch Subchi Azal Tsani (MSAT), alias Mas Bechi, the son of Kiai M Muchtar Mu'this is the leader of Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah. MSAT, the DPO of the obscenity suspect, had surrendered early Friday, July 8th.

Quoting from the official website Shiddiqiyyah.org, Ponpes Shiddiqyyah was initiated by kiai M Muchtar Mu'this in 1959. Initially the kiai who was a madrasa teacher in Lamongan decided to become a teacher of Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah science in Losari Ploso Village Jombang.

The decision was taken by Muchtar Mu'thi after getting Thoriqoh's knowledge from his teacher, Sheikh Ahmad Syuaib Jamali Al Banteni.

Since then, Thoriqoh's knowledge which is closely related to Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah has expanded. Spread to various corners of Indonesia to Malaysia.

The Ponpes, whose full name is the Majma'al Bahrain Hubbul Wathan Minal Iman Shiddiqiyayah Islamic Boarding School, has also been registered in line with the issuance of letter number R-1448/I/5.1.1./5/1973 by the Prosecutor's Office on June 30, 1973.

The main activities carried out at Ponpes Shiddiqiyyah are not only about religious education, but also socio-religious and economic. Science is known to be exclusive in Islamic boarding schools at the beginning of its development.

Community organizations affiliated with Islamic boarding schools, Orshid, said that Shiddiqiyayah's Islamic Boarding School could not be kept away from the teaching of nationalism.

Kiai M Muchtar Mu'thi, who often gives lectures and teaches to many regions, often calls for "Hubbul Wathon minal faith" in order to love the Indonesian country. Like when visiting a number of points in Sumatra in October 2018.

On that journey, Kiai M Muchtar Mu'thi also pinned the sentence "Jamiatul Nudzakirin Hubbul Wathon Minal Iman" on the bus he was wearing around.

But now, Shiddiqiyayah's Islamic Boarding School has been tarnished by MSAT's actions. MSAT also polluted the knowledge of Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyyah taught by the Islamic boarding school.

As for language, "Thoriq" comes from the word "Thoriq" which means "Road". While "Shiddiqyyah" comes from the word "Shiddiq", meaning "Right". So Thoriqoh Shiddiqiyayah means "Right Road", not the wrong path that MSAT allegedly did.

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